love yourself

Drunk Texts

I dont feel the same anymore.jpg

LMAO. #SnoozeYouLose #MissedYourChance #ImSoberAndSmarterNow

Oh man. I find this quote hilarious actually. This used to be me. I never thought I would ever admit this to the world publicly because it’s something I was ashamed of. But we all know where shame leads.. a world of inner hurt, rebellion and toxicity.

And since I’m starting a community on freeing yourself from what holds you back. I need to start with MY TRUTH. MY STORY.

I was the one that numbed my pain with alcohol and then covered that up with meaningless sex. Odd to say that out loud! Because I never owned that truth until right now, this very second. Of course I told the best stories to my friends, who all lived vicariously through me, but what they didn’t know was that even though I could have anyone at the snap of my fingers, I was extremely lonely inside.

I always filled the void I felt in my heart, with men. Not even the right men. Sometimes being extremely reckless. But as long as I was happy (or so I thought), it was ok. Abandonment issues and codependency are no joke.

And then I wondered why I couldn’t find that special someone who wanted to marry me. How could anyone possibly love me if I didn’t love myself first?!?!

It was a very lonely life. Even though I always had someone there.

I never realized the only thing to fill that void within was through my own self love and worthiness.

Once I started my journey of self love... my need for a man stopped. #SorryItsMeNotYou . So did all my crazy and wild stories. Lol. Not gonna lie I did have fun and could write a book on those adventures.... but at what cost?

Today I’m proud to say that the only person I need is me, myself and I.

And yes of course my friends and family.

I CHOOSE to be with a man because I WANT to, not because I NEED to. So if you’re getting my attention.... please know that shit is special. Genuine. And a decision I’ve carefully made to have you in my life. And I’m also OK being alone. I’ve learned to love my own company.

It feels so amazing to say I’m freed of that toxic personality. The one with that low self esteem that needed others to validate her self worth. I’m not perfect and I take things day by day. There are still times I doubt myself. But I’m aware of it now.

My recovery process didn’t happen overnight. It took YEARS! And daily progress that I still need to keep up with in order to not fall back into that state of mind.

Ladies.... we need each other. If I had someone encourage and guide me, I could have gotten here faster. I didn’t know how to love myself. I didn’t even know what that meant. I THOUGHT I did. But clearly I didn’t. I hid behind addictions that although were extremely fun were not the healthiest.

I know it’s hard to be honest and vulnerable when it comes to telling your truth. I’m cringing re-reading this. I want to press delete. But I will keep it up. Because if I can help just ONE woman learn how to love herself completely and own her story proudly.... then it was all worth it. Free yourself from your own inner demons.

This is no longer my burden to carry. I release it.

Online Women Community coming soon!!!!

#selflove #selfawareness #bekindtoyourself #releasetoxicthoughtsandactions #healthymind #tellyourstorytohelpothers #letsevolve #letthatshitgo #freeyourself




I asked him why he fell in love with me. After 13 years, it was always the same answer, "Your Sexy Confidence."

That relationship is no longer. I’ll save that story for another day. But I will forever remember those words.

Lately it feels as if I left that confident woman behind. Or stuffed her in the back of my closet along with those size 4 jeans. I swear one day I'll pull them both back out and work the room again. I know when he said confidence he was talking about how I speak my mind and know exactly what I want in life. Or maybe it's the way I talk to people with such a confident manner. Always laughing, never faltering. Batting my eyes and being the playful human being that I am. Being comfortable in front of strangers and making friends within minutes of meeting someone. The older you get, the harder it is to keep up. It's a constant battle. Most women struggle with this. I know. At times, I am one of them.



"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."— Winston Churchill

I've learned I am happiest when I give my time to someone in need. I knew I was missing something in life but I didn't exactly know what it was. Then I was approached with an amazing opportunity to head to Haiti. I had no clue what I was to do there. But I knew I had to go. So I went. And it was the most amazing experience in my life. It changed me. I went thinking I would change the lives of these beautiful orphans and little did I know that they would change mine.

12 Ways to Love Yourself

12 Ways to Love Yourself

12 Ways You Can Love Yourself Now by Louise Hay

I have found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself. When people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin. Here are 12 Commandments to help you learn how to love yourself:

1. Stop All Criticism. Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. Forgive Yourself. Let the past go. You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that you had. Now you are growing and changing, and you will live life differently.